More chances with lottery systems

How good is the Lotto part-combination system 10/30 - VEW 610

Lotto-Teilsystem VEW-System 610

The Lotto part-combination system 10/30 - VEW 610 with 30 lottery fields costs the individual player €36 per draw. With this subsystem, 10 out of 49 numbers come into play.

A 10/30 part-combination system consists of a good number overlap, so that with six correctly picked numbers, 4 times 5 correct numbers are guaranteed in any case. And the chance of getting an actual six is very high at 14.29%. This is clearly shown in the winning table below.

Prize table for the Lotto part-combination system 10/30 - VEW 610

Die Gewinntabelle System 10/30

If you type a VEW 610 yourself, you will need the corresponding evaluation scheme to evaluate all hits. This shows the series of numbers actually typed. The example below shows you how to carry out the evaluation with the scheme.

The result of 3 x 4 correct numbers plus 8 x 3 correct numbers can be clearly seen when four numbers are matched.

How to use an evaluation scheme for part 10/30 VEW 610
Das VEW-System 610

The alternative to the 10/30 part-combination system:

We do not use this system in the DLC. We therefore recommend the slightly larger 10/50 part-combination system because it has a much better hit guarantee. Your winning and participation options: Simply click on the system map below.

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