More chances with lottery systems

Draw game - German Lotto 6/49 - System TOP 300 please select here

System TOP300

  • Take your chance with 300 picks and all 49 lottery numbers
Participation deadline: Saturday, 16:30


Your personal maximum winning share in the current jackpot of 19 Mio. Euro


Each system consists of its own selection of numbers. Overlaps are possible.


Choose how many consecutive draws you would like to participate in with this system. You will receive different numbers for each draw.
1 system TOP300 with 300 picks 2 systems TOP 300 with a total of 600 picks 3 systems TOP 300 with a total of 900 picks

All prices quoted are final prices. There are no additional charges or similar.

Your numbers

You can find these under MY DLC > Personal area > My draw game, immediately after your order with the participation status Number preview.

About the TOP 300 system

This DLC system consists of 300 different lottery lines/tips and covers all 49 lottery numbers. It differs from the partial and full systems due to the extremely varied structure of the 6-number rows. This optimises the chance of getting six correct numbers.

Conclusion: Good prerequisites for playing in the upper prize categories.

Array (8)
0 => Array (8)
  quant => 1
  idstr => "54489"
  firstYmd => "2025-03-15"
  firstDmy => "15.03.2025"
  firstDay => "6"
  lastYmd => false
  lastDmy => false
  lastDay => false
1 => Array (8)
  quant => 2
  idstr => "54489,54490"
  firstYmd => "2025-03-15"
  firstDmy => "15.03.2025"
  firstDay => "6"
  lastYmd => "2025-03-19"
  lastDmy => "19.03.2025"
  lastDay => "3"
2 => Array (8)
  quant => 3
  idstr => "54489,54490,54491"
  firstYmd => "2025-03-15"
  firstDmy => "15.03.2025"
  firstDay => "6"
  lastYmd => "2025-03-22"
  lastDmy => "22.03.2025"
  lastDay => "6"
3 => Array (8)
  quant => 4
  idstr => "54489,54490,54491,54492"
  firstYmd => "2025-03-15"
  firstDmy => "15.03.2025"
  firstDay => "6"
  lastYmd => "2025-03-26"
  lastDmy => "26.03.2025"
  lastDay => "3"
4 => Array (8)
  quant => 5
  idstr => "54489,54490,54491,54492,54493"
  firstYmd => "2025-03-15"
  firstDmy => "15.03.2025"
  firstDay => "6"
  lastYmd => "2025-03-29"
  lastDmy => "29.03.2025"
  lastDay => "6"
5 => Array (8)
  quant => 6
  idstr => "54489,54490,54491,54492,54493,55352"
  firstYmd => "2025-03-15"
  firstDmy => "15.03.2025"
  firstDay => "6"
  lastYmd => "2025-04-02"
  lastDmy => "02.04.2025"
  lastDay => "3"
6 => Array (8)
  quant => 7
  idstr => "54489,54490,54491,54492,54493,55352,5..."
  firstYmd => "2025-03-15"
  firstDmy => "15.03.2025"
  firstDay => "6"
  lastYmd => "2025-04-05"
  lastDmy => "05.04.2025"
  lastDay => "6"
7 => Array (8)
  quant => 8
  idstr => "54489,54490,54491,54492,54493,55352,5..."
  firstYmd => "2025-03-15"
  firstDmy => "15.03.2025"
  firstDay => "6"
  lastYmd => "2025-04-09"
  lastDmy => "09.04.2025"
  lastDay => "3"
Array (50)
sys_id => "205"
sys_status => "H"
sys_target => false
sys_public => "0"
sys_sort => "819"
sys_type => "Z"
sys_game => "LOT"
sys_player => "96"
sys_price => "5.90"
sys_tips => "300"
sys_intCostPart => "3.750000"
sys_orderLimit => false
sys_minOrderVal => false
sys_color => false
sys_metaImage => false
sys_dateCreated => "2022-08-22 13:15:26"
sys_dateEdited => "2024-06-25 13:05:43"
sys_dateEnd => false
sys_lang => "en"
sys_title => "TOP300"
sys_headline => "Draw game - German Lotto 6/49 - Syste..."
sys_desc => "<p style="text-align: center;"><span ..."
sys_note => false
sys_urlName => "lottosystem-top300_w"
sys_club => false
sys_metaTitle => "System TOP300 for German Lotto 6/49"
sys_metaDesc => "This system consists of 300 lottery f..."
sys_daysTxt => false
sys_daysDesc => "Take your chance with 300 picks and a..."
sys_playTxt => "Selectable participant groups: 12, 48..."
sys_numsTxt => "300 picks with all 49 lottery number"
sys_tipsTxt => false
sys_listPageId => false
sys_listLinkTitle => false
sys_listNote => "All 49 numbers"
sys_orderNote => false
sys_docPdf => false
sys_dateEditedLang => "2024-06-25 13:05:43"
sys_memCount => "3"
sys_memQuantMin => "1"
sys_memQuantMax => "3"
sys_dateEndReached => false
sys_urlSave => "lottosystem-top300_w"
sys_urlAbs => "lotto-6-aus-49/lotto-systemuebersicht..."
participations => Array (6)
  part_id => Array (3)
    0 => "845"
    1 => "846"
    2 => "847"
  part_sysId => Array (3)
    0 => "205"
    1 => "205"
    2 => "205"
  part_player => Array (3)
    0 => "96"
    1 => "48"
    2 => "12"
  part_winTxt => Array (3)
    0 => "x"
    1 => "x"
    2 => "x"
  part_sysParts => Array (3)
    0 => "1"
    1 => "2"
    2 => "8"
  part_winCalc => Array (3)
    0 => "198.000"
    1 => "396.000"
    2 => "1.583.000"
memberships => Array (16)
  mem_id => Array (3)
    0 => "768"
    1 => "769"
    2 => "770"
  mem_sysId => Array (3)
    0 => "205"
    1 => "205"
    2 => "205"
  mem_status => Array (3)
    0 => "A"
    1 => "A"
    2 => "A"
  mem_orderNum => Array (3)
    0 => "130021"
    1 => "130022"
    2 => "130023"
  mem_quant => Array (3)
    0 => "1"
    1 => "2"
    2 => "3"
  mem_lang => Array (3)
    0 => "en"
    1 => "en"
    2 => "en"
  mem_tipsTxt => Array (3)
    0 => "1 system TOP300 with 300 picks"
    1 => "2 systems TOP 300 with a total of 600..."
    2 => "3 systems TOP 300 with a total of 900..."
  sys_title => Array (3)
    0 => "TOP300"
    1 => "TOP300"
    2 => "TOP300"
  sys_price => Array (3)
    0 => "5.90"
    1 => "5.90"
    2 => "5.90"
  sys_tips => Array (3)
    0 => "300"
    1 => "300"
    2 => "300"
  mem_priceMin => Array (3)
    0 => "5.90"
    1 => "11.80"
    2 => "17.70"
  mem_tips => Array (3)
    0 => "300"
    1 => "600"
    2 => "900"
  mem_quantNice => Array (3)
    0 => "1 system"
    1 => "2 systems"
    2 => "3 systems"
  mem_titleFull => Array (3)
    0 => "1 system TOP300 with 300 picks"
    1 => "2 systems TOP300 with 600 picks"
    2 => "3 systems TOP300 with 900 picks"
  mem_quantTips => Array (3)
    0 => "1 system = 300 picks"
    1 => "2 systems = 600 picks"
    2 => "3 systems = 900 picks"
  mem_info => Array (3)
    0 => "1 system: 300 picks"
    1 => "2 systems: 600 picks"
    2 => "3 systems: 900 picks"
sys_memCountAct => 3
sys_memCountInact => 0
sys_availLang => false
sys_titleInt => false
$oCMS_show = system_details